livemetrics Library

A Python library for building and publishing live business metrics used to have insights about the behavior of applications.

It is based on the Dropwizard metrics library for Java.

Release v0.7.

CeCILL-C Python 3.x


livemetrics is published on PyPI and can be installed from there:

pip install -U livemetrics

To install additional publishers, specify the optional dependency you need. For example:

pip install -U livemetrics[aiohttp]

Getting Started

Create a livemetrics.LiveMetrics instance as a global variable:

LM = livemetrics.LiveMetrics(version,about,is_healthy,is_ready)

Then use it to record events or register values:

LM.mark('event', 'result')
LM.histogram('name', 100)

Access the metrics when needed with:


Or use one of the provided publishers.